Jane Levick – Art Director research

I was advised to research an art director called, Jane Levick. Levick has worked on productions such as, Bronson, Utopia and was the production designer for This is England.

When describing the way in which she works, Levick says that she starts with character:

“Because I’m dealing with environments, I have to place the character within an environment which fits them and is believable. So it’s always done through character.”

Quote from: http://www.sixteenfilms.co.uk/films/film/6/summer/ 

Throughout the film, Bronson, Levick has made firm use of the colour white. This is especially apparent throughout the scenes where Bronson is in the ‘funny farm’ as he calls it. Nearly everything is white within most of the scenes including the walls, doors and the costumes. I believe this particular colour, on non-colour, is used in order to ehance the discolouration of the surroundings and objects within them.


 If we pay attention to colour meanings we often see white being refered to as a symbol of purity or cleanliness. Therefore by using it in this location, it then highlights the impurities that the place or person has. Whether or not that is what Levick was going for when designing the sets we cannot be sure.


A moment that I personally really like is when Bronson is being carried through the ‘funny farm’ by a team of its workers. There is a real contrast here between the characters clothes and their surroundings, making them stand out. This contrast really highlights the state of these institues of the time, bring to light how much it has changed from then until now.



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